An 8 year old girl wearing a bright cardigan, blue shorts and a Lilo and Stitch t-shirt, holding up a magic wand made from a stick, with a potion bottle in the other hand

The O'Hallorans

The OHallorans

We’re made up of Lyndsey, John and Erin, who all love a new adventure. We try to get away as much as possible, especially during school holidays and variety is a must for us. That means staying anywhere from a luxury hotel to a hostel and it’s not often we go to the same place twice. 

If you’re going on a holiday to a Haven park, then you can expect there to be lots of activities to take part in. As there are lots to choose from, it can be hard to know what to pick! Find out more about Wild Wizards, an activity we took part in at Haven Wild Duck.

How to book

You can book activities in advance of your Haven holiday online, or on the My Haven app. You can browse through the days of your holiday to see when certain activities are available. It might be that some activities are only run once during this time.

If you book in advance, you can do so via your Haven account or the app. You will need to select the day and time of the activity from the activity listings, and how many people will be participating. Adults supervising don’t need to pay for a space. You will need to pay in advance when booking via the app.

Booking is also possible at the Haven site you’re staying at. There is usually a desk or area for booking any activities, possibly in the family entertainment centre.

An 8 year old girl making a potion during a Wild Wizards session at Haven Wild Duck

How much does this activity cost?

This activity costs £6 (2024 price) per person.

What age is Wild Wizards suitable for?

Wild Wizards is suitable for all ages. Younger children may require help from their adult or carer.

How long does the session last?

The Wild Wizards session lasts for 45 minutes.

In order for your session to start on time, it’s important to be at the Ranger Station at least 5 minutes before the start time. 

Wild Wizards: What can you expect from the activity?

Collecting important ingredients 

To start the Wild Wizards session, we were led around the caravan park by the ranger, looking for those all important ingredients. Children had buckets to walk around with, where they could put their exciting finds. 

The ranger explained that all wild flowers, bushes and trees were okay to take things from but to not touch anything around the caravans in case they were planted by the Haven team or private owners. At this point, the ranger was also able to tell us what different kinds of flowers were. 

An 8 year old girl wearing a bright cardigan, blue shorts and a Lil and Stitch t-shirt, holding a yellow bucket up and a stick in the other hand

Making a wand

The first activity was making a magical wand. Of course, no wizard is complete without one. Children were able to use the stick they found on the walk around the park, after finding the perfect one for them. 

The ranger had loads of coloured pipe cleaners to choose from, as well as beautiful feathers. Making the wand was easy. After deciding what it will look like, Erin wrapped the pipe cleaners around the stick and taped them on where needed. The feather was added afterwards. Erin pushed hers down a gap in the pipe cleaners! 

An 8 year old girl wearing a bright cardigan and a Lilo and Stitch t-shirt, holding a wand made from a stick

Mixing your potion

After the wands were finished it was time to make some potions. The ranger station was already set up with some interesting liquids to mix; mermaid’s tears, dragon’s blood and essence of firefly.  Obviously, these were just coloured water but Erin liked the idea of them. Children were able to choose two of the liquids to make the base of their potion. 

A purple mixture in a bowl, containing leaves, flowers and bits of a tree. Part of the Haven Wild Wizards session

With the base of the potion in a bowl, Erin then chose which ingredients she wanted to add. Erin was quite picky about what she actually put in her potion in the end, but it was better that she had a lot to choose from. With the help of a jug, the potion was then transferred into a small bottle. 

To finish off the potion, you can design and add a label, as well as give the potion a name. Erin chose to call hers ‘Flower Power’ and it was a potion that could make you big when you wanted to be bigger. 

An 8 year old girl wearing a bright cardigan, blue shorts and a Lilo and Stitch t-shirt, holding a potion bottle and a wand made from a stick in the other hand

This was a really good session for younger children, at a great price. The ranger at Haven Wild Duck was really nice and helpful throughout the session, and children ended up with something to take away with them. 

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