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Parenting life often means being mum or dad’s taxi, ferrying the kids from activities to sports to friends’ homes and even further afield to concerts, sporting events and more. And as the nights draw in and become colder, here’s how you can prepare your car for safe winter journeys with the kids.
Regular Servicing
Always make sure you get your car serviced promptly when the mileage or timing dictates that it is due. Regular servicing helps to keep your car in great shape, picking up any small problems and rectifying them before they can become major headaches for you by developing into serious issues. Most cars are fine with a major annual service, but if you drive a lot, you might want to think about having a smaller, interim service performed every six months after the major service. If the timing works, you can use this interim service to get your car set up and ready to handle whatever the winter weather has to offer!
Prompt MOT Test
If your car is over three years old, it will need an annual MOT test to make sure it is still roadworthy and fit for use on the UK’s roads. Use the MOT checklist as your guideline for the condition in which your vehicle should always be when it is in use on the UK’s busy roads. By doing this, you will always be legally compliant and, as such, much safer on the roads.
Convenient Mobile Tyre Fitting
Mobile tyre fitting is a boon to the busy parent, meeting you halfway so that you can continue with your parental duties, no matter where they take you. Mobile tyre fitters need only the most modest footprint in order to be able to do their work, which is of a quality on a par with a premised garage – those mobile tyre fitting vans are packed with technological marvels and equipment that help their operators do everything that they need to do to make sure your tyres are correct for your model, properly fitted, balanced and aligned, so that all you need to do is drive away with great peace of mind. When it comes to mobile tyre fitting; convenience is key – Fife Autocentre delivers the best tyre fitting service on the go; in the local area – you can call them now to reserve your spot.
Prepare for the Worst
No matter if you are bustling around Norfolk, getting the kids from social visits to sports camps or heading up to tranquil Fife on the Scottish coast for a few days of much-needed rest and relaxation, you should always have a back-up plan in case the worst happens. In this way, should a breakdown happen, you will be well supplied with snacks and water, the children will be warm and entertained, and your phone contacts will be bulging with people who can come and help you. And as always with these things, it is infinitely better to have them but not need them than the opposite!